9+ Years of experience in Applications migration to Cloud
1000+ Applications migrate to Cloud from OnPrem
Successfully executed Global / Multi Region Cloud Programs
Well collaborated with Customer of Fortune 500
2. Rehost
3. Replatform
4. Refactor
5. Rearchitect
6. Rebuild
7. Repurchase
This approach necessitates the entire replacement of the application. No amount of application modernization can overcome technical limitations such as obsolete code languages or APIs. The program may not be supported by the most recent Windows or Linux operating systems or even by cloud service providers such as AWS, Azure, or GCP.
When an enterprise rehosts an application, it means moving the application to another hosting platform without making any changes to the application itself. Since digital transformation strategies require rapid cloud migration, so this is a great option to minimize disruption and maintain service availability.
An application replatform is similar to rehosting. This method is commonly used with DBaaS, SaaS, and IaaS solutions.
Refactoring is more relevant for software development and DevOps teams. It involves rewriting an application's underlying code to improve operational performance without changing existing functionality. It's called code refactoring, which unlocks some of the benefits of cloud platforms like AWS but doesn't unlock maximum functionality.
Re-architecting an application means redesigning the application from scratch. This is common in monolithic application packages where an enterprise may want to use a microservices architecture.
Rebuilding an application involves starting from scratch for an individual or group of components. During the rebuilding, the original scope and specifications remain the same while new technological or operational requirements are met.
This is probably the easiest way to modernize your application. Instead of restructuring, rebuilding, or re-hosting, companies repurchase new software. The software is not purchased from the same vendor but from an alternative vendor that meets the business requirements.
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